I have found Malcolm

I am currently in England with Malcolm having a great time. I am certainly not plotting anything with Malcolm and the King. I would never do a such thing. I am concerned about what is going on in Cawdor. The death of Banquo has me a little freaked out. Who could do this. Also, why was it so brutal. Someone had to be very mad at him to do this. This makes me think it was someone close to him. I know it could not be Duncan's son for revenge, so that narrows it down to only a couple people. I am planning to talk to Malcolm and the King of England. I want to see what I can to to help Cawdor restore it's safety. I hope in the future the murderer is found and killed. He has tormented the city and I'm very sad. I predict I will not have a warm welcome when I come back to Cawdor. I don't think Macbeth will like my secrecy. I am worried for my safety if I go back because so many people have been MURDERED. I think Malcolm is in the same danger I am with because he will be with me. I am worried for Cawdor like a mother who hasn't heard from their child all day.


Duncan said…
I hope you figure out who the real murderers are. I think you are on the right track. You did the right thing by leaving Macduff. Good luck!
Mac to the Duff said…
Thank you King Duncan. I will get revenge for you I promise.
Ross said…
Macduff I fully trust your judgement and I'm rooting for you!