The King is dead

As i walked into Macbeth's castle I was met by Porter. He was very drunk and wasn't making sense. He was a real clotpole all night. As i walked in the castle everything seemed off. I didn't see anyone at first. Then Macbeth and Lady Macbeth came out of their room in nightgowns. I was very confused what was going on. I asked where the King was and that's when Macbeth sent me to his room and what I saw will haunt me forever. I saw the King laying on his bed covered in blood. It was a horrific site. Also, two guards had been killed. A little while longer Duncan's children fled and have not been seen again. That was a little weird to me. Also, Macbeth has already went to be crowned. I find this very fast, and very suspicious. I am going away for a little bit to think everything over.


Duncan said…
Sorry Macduff for having to see me like that. All dead and bloody and stuff. I'm sure it wasn't a pretty sight. You should never trust Macbeth though. He will not tell you the truth.
First Witch said…
Sounds chaotic, I love it!
But the poor, poor King. I wonder why anyone would ever kill him.
We're so sorry you had to see him dead, but honestly, you were the first to find him, so how do we all know you're not the one who killed him?
You best not be one of those dismal-dreaming liars.
Also does anyone know what Porter was drinking, the second witch's birthday is this weekend and we're throwing her a big bash.
-First Witch
Ms. May said…
Masduff, I totally sympathize with you. That must have been tough. What is it that you are most concerned about now? Don't forget to read my blog post thoroughly!
Mac to the Duff said…
I am most concerned with Macbeth. I'm not sure he is a good king. I saw Duncan dead I do not wanna see anyone else covered in blood.