What is happening right now?!

So far Macbeth has just came back from war and is at his castle. Everyone is rejoiced to see him. I heard that King Duncan has went to Macbeth's castle. I have not been able to speak to Macbeth yet he has been so busy.

I'm excited for Macbeth to be back. I am happy he is healthy and back at his castle. I was surprised to see the King go to his castle. I hope their banquet goes well. I think the King will have a great stay, and everyone will be happy. I hope Macbeth can stay out of wars for now.

Image result for shakespeare memes macbeth


Ross said…
We are all having a wonderful time together. LOTS of drinks! Thank you for thinking of us Macduff
Lady Macbeth said…
I hope he stays out of wars too! It's so nice having him back home :)
Mac to the Duff said…
Of course Ross. I'm glad to be here