I killed Macbeth!! He will never murder anyone else ever again

I found Macbeth in his castle. We fought a hard battle, but in the end I killed him. I was the better man all along. Young Siward will truly be missed. I wish I could've gotten to Macbeth before he did. I am very happy and sad about what happened. I am happy Macbeth is dead, and Malcolm is king. On the other hand I am sad my family is dead, and I don't have anyone to go back to. I stayed with Malcolm because I couldn't stand to go home. I believe Malcolm will make Scotland a very good place. Everything will go back to normal as much as it can. I don't think it will ever be the same.

 Image result for macduff killing macbeth memes


Hecate said…
Thank you for killing Macbeth! It saved me an afternoon from having to do it myself. He was getting far too out of hand.
Duncan said…
Congratulations Macduff!
Unknown said…
Congratulations! I knew you could do it!