Macbeth you will die

I have finally persuaded Malcolm to come back to Scotland. My poor wife have been slaughtered. I was told by Ross. I am heartbroken, but time to move on I have a battle to win. I am unsure where Macbeth will be or what he is doing. I am wondering how to go about this waging war against him. We have started to go back to Scotland, and I am filled with anger and sorrow. I will find Macbeth and put a stop to this mess. Going forward I am most worried about Scotland, and what will happen to it.

I hope Macbeth dies. I want to look him in the eyes, and watch  him wither away. He will be all shriveled up like a snail when you put salt on it. I hope his power is gone, and Malcolm becomes the new King.


Macbeth said…
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Macbeth said…
Were you born from a woman? Indeed? Then PERISH.
Mac to the Duff said…
That is none of your business. You will have to wait and find out
Duncan said…
I hope the same things Macduff. Good luck in war. My son played a pretty good joke on you. I hope you thought it was funny. I am very sorry about your family. Take it out on Macbeth.
Ross said…
Macbeth is a coward! Killing Macduff's family? Where is the honor?! Why not fight like a man instead of backstabbing like a woman?
Lady Macbeth said…
@Ross, didn't y'all learn some time ago that I'm the one with the pants on this marriage??
Lennox said…
Macduff, it is you who deserves to kill him! It will only make you satisfied.
Ms. May said…
Macduff, a snail shriveling under salt is a great image! I'm sure the rest of Scotland would love to see that happen, too.
Mac to the Duff said…
Thank you everyone for the encouraging words. He is dead. Long live Malcolm